Rabu, 26 Juni 2013


Bisa kuliah gratis adalah impian semua orang.the way to get it is join at scholarship program.. kamu perlu persiapan sejak awal dan matang agar bisa mendapatkannya. Now check this out !

Prepare yourself !
1.       Persiapan dini. Prepare nilai-nilai kamu sejak kelas satu SMA. Because it is a one requirement of scholarship.

2.       Aktif di kegiatan luar sekolah.
Selain pintar, they want a student who active and initiative. It can be seen if we are active in various activities. The hobby can become our  strength.  Be better if associated with our chosen majors. For example , we want to study communication, we can join extracurricular photography or journalism. Later, we could include examples of our work when submitting the scholarship application. Nah, dengan mengikuti kegiatan ekstrapun kita bias mengajukan beasiswa sesuai kemampuan kita..

3.       English language
If you want to study abroad, you must study English. Not to understand about language, but you can speak and writing essay in English. Latian aja dari sekarang. You can to do it with watch news in English language or practice writing essay in English with a serious topic that is often discussed in paper.biasanya saat tes beasiswa, pihak pemberi scholarship akan meminta agreement kita soal topic hangat yang ada di dunia dan di Indonesia.

4.       Pilih jenis beasiswa
Choose one kind of scholarship. There is many kinds of scholarship that will give to you. Ada beasiswa full, yaitu all administration of college, accommodation, health insurance, and allowance will be paid. Nah, ada juga beasiswa yang non-full, biasanya yang dicover itu Cuma biaya kuliah aja.

5.       Make essay
one of the important components in applying for a scholarship is an essay. Usually we are asked why we chose it and what majors the main reason for us to be selected. In an important essay that we talked about our selves and positive characters, include your dream related to the study that we choose.

kaWanku 146/2013

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